Watchman Willie Martin Archive

England: In recent weeks Prince Philip of England has been on a visit to Israel and has accepted an award honoring his mother, Princess Alice because �...she hid three Jews in the palace in Athens during the Nazi occupation of Greece in 1943-1944.� (Times-Picayune, November 1, 1994, p. A-1) A previous article noted that Princess Alice was buried in Israel. We have received many inquires over the years regarding the British �Royal� family, many of them noting that Prince Charles has a very prominent Jewish look about him.

The strange activities of Prince Philip, the father of Prince Charles, can be explained by an article in Women�s Voice (June 26, 1952, p. 13) where it says: �Perhaps the Jewishness of the Royal family of Britain will explain much that has heretofore remained a mystery.

�In 1851, Alexander, the son of the Grand Duke of Hesse (the parent line of the Glucksburgs) contracted a morganatic marriage with a wealthy Polish commoner, a Jewess baptized Christian. To keep things �sweet� after the family �hit the roof,� they revived an old family title for Alexander and his Jewess: Count of Battenberg (that�s where the Battenberg line begins) and later, as time somewhat eased the shock, they made him prince of Battenberg. The eldest son of these two was Prince Louis of Battenberg, who came to England and joined Victoria�s court and family. He rose to be an Admiral in the British Navy and top socialite friend of Edward VII. During the 1914 war, he changed his name to the literal translation of �Mountbatten� and he also became Marquis of Milford Haven. Now, his daughter, Princess Alice, married back into the Glucksberg family (the Danish/Greek group of direct Hesse ancestry) and she is the Mother of Philip; the Queen�s husband. That makes him one quarter Jew.

But Louis� second son (whose mother was the Polish Jewess) is the present Admiral Earl Mountbatten, Philip�s most influential uncle and top serving Admiral in the British Navy, last Viceroy to India, close friend of socialite/intellectual Fabians...His wife is the daughter of Lord Mount Temple (previously Mr. Wilfred Ashley, a Tory MP of 30 years ago). Ashley married the daughter of Sir Ernest Cassel, the son of a Cologne Jewish banker Cassel, and the financier of Edward VII...Princes Charles has been circumcised at Buckingham Palace by the Jewish Rabbi, Dr. Jacob Snowman, who has in the past attended other Royal Babies.� (From Kingdom Identify Ministries, Box 1021, Harrison, Arkansas).

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